Tag Archives: new beginning

Flames To Pages Turn To Ashes


I’ll tell you a tale, a tale of a woman who played with matches and didn’t care if she got burned. Watching flames to pages turn to ashes, lighting up memories once created. Dancing around a blaze, she couldn’t stop believing in the sound of her own heart beating. Seeking answers in the beginning up through revelations. The words she has written no longer hers, given to the world. There’s a place inside her heart that hurts like hell, but she’d never whisper into his ear and tell. Here in this place, she’s been trapped for longer than remembered. Somewhere along the way, when she took the pen to paper, moved her fingers across the keyboard, paper clipped photographs to letters she pinned on the walls of Room 15, she knew of the hope that she was sent to find. One last glance, one more gaze out the window of the 18th floor of this abandoned place. The stories gone down the stairs and out the iron doors. Lighting the match and tossing it across a once dance floor, the ghosts of this place alive and well, haunting her steps over time. She’d never allow herself to really say goodbye as she watched the room burn. A beginning awaiting her if she searched within the map left for her, somewhere just for her.

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Filed under Dawn's World, poetry, prose, Writing